Forest Inventory


Comprehensive Understanding of Your Forests with Our Inventory Module

Our advanced AI system analyzes and records details of each tree, empowering you to manage your forests with utmost precision. You feed our AI with images and it takes care of the rest. 

Effortlessly accessing detailed information about your forest. With our Forest Inventory module, we harness advanced AI algorithms for automated tree inventory. Get real-time insights and precise data to drive strategic decisions tailored specifically to your forest’s condition.

    Detailed Overview

    The Inventory module of our platform equips you with data essential for optimal felling management. Track tree species and health, and other crucial parameters with the help of high-tech, user-friendly tools. 

    Identify damaged and stressed trees to take actions based on the right information at the right time to improve cost performance and reduce the risk of timber loss.

    Find risk areas before outbreaks of bark beetle damages and use tree species map to identify risk of spread. 

    Automated Digital Forest Inventory gives you an easy, fast and detailed overview of the forest. 


    This module allows you to analyze your forest’s health status over time, aiding in predicting future trends and felling planning accordingly. By having comprehensive tree inventory data, you can make more informed decisions, optimize operations, and enhance productivity.

    Faster data collection → Utilize your organisation’s capacity by freeing up valuable time

    More damages identified → Decrease risk of forest production and increased CO2 storage

    Increased cost performance → Increase the forest potential for profitability

       Less stress → Improved work environment and increased usage of internal competence

      New technology usage →  Potential for more application areas

      How it works

      Our Forest Inventory module uses advanced algorithms and AI to analyze high-resolution images of your forest. It provides you with accurate, detailed information about every tree within your monitored area. Just feed the AI with images and it takes care of the rest. 

      In our Forest Inventory Module you can get a detailed map of forest damages and risk areas and a tree species distribution map of the forest. You can either download a report or share the result with a harvester.


      Collect data of 1000 ha/day and user with our data collection guide

      Success stories

      There is no other solution on the market that offers such a reasonable price.

      Arboair makes it much faster to use data that I collect and I see that next year when I use it to analyze our forest, I will be able to get better data over much larger areas than we previously could.

      It is important to be engaged when such innovation comes in order to be able to keep up with the future!

      Peter Wallin

      IT manager, Boxholms skogar
